- The official weigh-in occurs immediately before the first fight, with competitors having only one chance to meet the weight requirement.
- Weight measurements for this event are in kilograms.
- Athletes competing in both Gi and NoGi divisions will weigh in twice: once with the Gi and once without.
- Uniforms will be inspected during the weigh-in. Athletes must ensure their uniforms comply with tournament policies.
- Athletes will check their weight with the Gi on before their first fight. There is only one opportunity to meet the weight requirement. Failure to do so will result in immediate disqualification. Ensure you are in the correct weight division.
- Division changes are not allowed if an athlete does not make their designated division. No changes will be accepted on the tournament day, and no refunds will be issued.
- Athletes will be disqualified if they weigh in heavier than the weight listed for their registered division.
Kids Gi 109 USD
Kids NoGi 109 USD
Juvenile Boys Gi 109 USD16-17 years
Juvenile Boys NoGi 109 USD16-17 years
Juvenile Girls Gi 109 USD16-17 years
Juvenile Girls NoGi 109 USD16-17 years
Male Gi 109 USD18 years and above
Male NoGi 109 USD18 years and above
Female Gi 109 USD18 years and above
Female NoGi 109 USD18 years and above
Male Absolute NoGi 25 USD
Male Absolute Gi 25 USD
Female Absolute Gi 25 USD
Female Absolute NoGi 25 USD